Ringing in the New Year had its own unspoken twist, yet I always love a sense of humor as well as welcoming in a fresh start. Something about a clean slate brings all of us human beings to a smile and a deep breath of hope. Can't you relate? Isn't it amazing to think that we ALWAYS can find that hope and forgiveness in Christ Jesus? His death on the cross brought me true life! Wowzer and Woot Woot! If you know Him personally, you understand what I'm talking about. If you're still searching for real answers to life's tough questions, you might be scratching your head a bit, wondering how I could feel so "certain." It truly is thrilling to open up the Bible, reading and searching for this "Jesus" that people talk about, and in the end finding Him (Jesus) to be the One True Hope and Fulfillment in life. Nothing else will truly satisfy. May you know this peace.
Though we're now in a "New" year, I find that each year brings about the desire and goal-setting for the same "Old" priorities.
Priority #1 - to pursue a deeper relationship with God, never being satisfied with mediocrity, and wanting to be ever caught-up in the perfection and beauty of my Almighty "Daddy." The more I get to know Him, the more I love Him and the less concerned I am with my own shortfalls and pitfalls. He's totally (and perfectly) faithful to me no matter what! So how will I work on this priority? Well, by "old-fashioned" ways...by reading the Bible, by praying, by going to church and spending time with other believers, by worshiping Him in the everyday routines of life, by sharing Him and His love with others around me. That's how. Concentrated effort and focus on Him, my highest priority and love. I learned last year some very important lessons about focus, about where I spend my time, about what I let into my mind, and about where I choose to love. What I put IN really does come OUT. And though there are so many cool and curious things to explore and experience in this world, it is vitally essential that God remain my highest exploration. In the end, nothing else matters. What a treasure and prize He is to me.
How to What Color Am I
Have you ever wondered which color you are deep down? Maybe you’re peaceful
blue, like a still lake or a clear sky. Or, maybe you’re energetic, warm
1 day ago